Now Offering Equine Chiropractic!

What is animal chiropractic?

Animal chiropractic is very similar to human chiropractic but it is done by either a veterinarian or doctor or chiropractic who has undergone additional training to obtain the knowledge and skills to safely perform an adjustment in animals.  Chiropractic looks at the joints of the spine and feels for any abnormalities within that joint's normal range of motion.  When a joint is found to have an area of decreased movement within that normal range of motion it is referred to as a "subluxation".  Often times this decreased motion is accompanied by muscle spasm and inflammation.  The chiropractor gives a fast shallow thrust called an "adjustment" to restore motion in the joint.  The spine houses the spinal cord and many nerves and blood vessels exit the spine.  By improving movement and health of the spine we aim to improve biomechanics, relieve pain, and decrease areas of inflammation in the spine which allows the nervous system and spine to function better.  Ultimately, improving the horse's overall health and function.


How do I know if my horse would benefit from chiropractic care?

Chiropractic care is beneficial for any horse and is especially useful as a routine treatment in horses in heavy work or training.  However, anytime there is a decrease in performance or a lameness issue, chiropractic care can be be a beneficial adjunct in addition to a veterinary exam and lameness work-up.  Chiropractic can be beneficial for maintaining comfort and health for just about any problem that changes the biomechanics of a horse or would cause a horse to have to move differently due to pain or other issue in the body.  This includes things like osteoarthritis, laminitis, poor conformation, or even just everyday stresses of a horse's job or environment.


The following are a few links with additional information in regards to animal chiropractic care:

International Veterinary Chiropractic Association:

American Association of Equine Practitioners:


Please contact us with any additional questions you may have or to schedule an appointment!