We are 100% mobile practice.  All examination and treatment is done on your farm or at your boarding facility.  We serve the Des Moines and Ames area.  Our typical travel radius is within 50 miles of Ames.  Exceptions may be made for larger groups on routine appointments.


Emergencies:  There is an emergency fee for after-hours calls.  In the event that I'm unavailable to see your emergency, you will be referred to Iowa State University's Equine Field Services.


Payment policy:  Payment is due at the time of service.  We accept cash, check, Venmo, or credit card.  Invoices, receipts, and reminders are typically sent via e-mail.  Printed receipts can be mailed at your request.  If you have questions or concerns about payment or how your information is stored, please let us know.  We are happy to give an estimated cost of services.